在恶劣的天气条件下, a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) may be used to help prevent potential wildfires. 这永远是最后的手段,也是为了帮助保护我们所服务的社区.
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In the event of a Public Safety Power Shutoff, do we have your current contact information? 您是否注册了中断通知?
随着加州气候的变化, 火灾“季节”的概念已经演变成一场全年与更强的战斗, 更快的野火. SDG&E has spent more than a decade building out a wildfire safety program that includes:
Creating a fire science and meteorology department to forecast and prepare for wildfires
运用创新科技,例如气象站, 网络摄像头, 无人机和火灾预测模型来观察潜在的威胁
尽管我们在减少野火风险方面投入了大量资金, 也许有时我们必须切断电路的电源. This precaution helps prevent flying debris from coming into contact with power lines and potentially igniting a fire.
观看我们的视频,了解更多关于公共安全停电的信息, 为什么叫他们,你如何了解情况.
You can also learn more about what California's largest energy companies are doing to address the threat of wildfire and 公共安全停电 at prepareforpowerdown.com.
2 days ahead
SDG&E will start notifying customers who could be affected by a possible Public Safety Power Shutoff, 包括关键设施和医疗基线客户, 以及国家, 县、市政府机构.
1 day ahead
SDG&E继续监测天气状况, communicate with affected communities and coordinate with first responders and public safety agencies.
SDG&E通知受影响社区, 还有政府和公共安全机构, 电力已经被切断了.
一旦天气条件安全,可持续发展目标&E将开始恢复电力. Field crews and aerial resources will inspect overhead power lines to make sure there are no damages from high winds and that they are safe to operate.
我们的视频解释了可持续发展目标&E's process to safely and quickly restore power to communities affected by a Public Safety Power Shutoff.
作为我们在公共安全停电期间为客户提供支持计划的一部分, 我们在 战略位置建立了社区资源中心. 这些资源中心为居民提供了一个获取信息的地方. Plus, community centers are equipped with water, Wi-Fi, snacks, ice and device charging stations.
我们知道电力服务对公共安全至关重要, 比如医院, 警察局和消防局, 通信服务, 供水商. Because these customers require additional assistance and planning to ensure operations, SDG&E在中断之前和中断期间为他们提供高级通信.
我们非常认真地对待我们运营电网的责任. 如果情况威胁到我们安全运行系统的能力, 我们将关闭电源,保护公共安全. 在决定切断电源之前,我们考虑了很多因素. 这些因素包括, 但不限于:紧急情况下, 风速测量, 植被水分, temperature, humidity, 可持续发展目标的实地观测&来自消防部门的人员和信息.
We've developed a way to reduce the number of customers impacted when conditions may lead to a power shutoff in high-fire threat areas. Additional weather stations and electrical devices improve our ability to divide an electric circuit into smaller sections. We can be more precise when shutting off power so the number of customers impacted by a power shutoff is smaller.
Power will remain shut off as long as the threat to our system and public safety continues —that is, as long as winds are creating a safety issue near and around our electric infrastructure. 当风减弱一段时间后, our crews will then patrol the lines to check for system damage from wind-blown debris or any other problems before the power is turned on. 很难预测一次巡逻要花多长时间, 因为它取决于每根电源线的长度, 地形和是否需要空中巡逻. 有些线路位于农村山区,需要直升机巡逻. In those cases, wind speeds need to be below 35 mph for the helicopter to fly safely. 此外,出于安全考虑,我们的工作人员不能在夜间巡逻.
It’s important to remember that improved weather conditions are not the only factor that determines whether a line is safe to re-energize. 为客户恢复供电可能是一个漫长的过程. First, 我们需要在一段持续的时间内记录风速的下降, 然后为可持续发展目标留出4-8小时的日光&E外勤人员在线路上巡逻. 当巡逻, 工作人员正在寻找电线掉落等安全隐患, 被绳子缠住的碎片或树枝, 硬件损坏或通信线路相关问题. 电源线或电线杆是否有损坏, 在恢复供电之前,必须先进行维修.
In the case of fire or other adverse weather conditions, this process can take days. You may see our trucks in your neighborhood as you continue to experience an outage. 他们收集的信息有助于我们计划工作.
During a power shutoff, addressing hazardous situations like downed lines is a priority. 然后,我们会尽快恢复尽可能多的客户. We also prioritize repairs to restore service for critical needs 比如医院, 抽水站、警察和消防部门.
我们正在努力为所有人恢复供电, 你可能会看到附近的灯还亮着, 你的位置还不知道. 一个社区的不同部分可能在不同的电路上, 并不是所有的电路都在同一时间恢复.
SDG&E recommends investing in a landline to ensure a stable communication channel, as well as for SDG&E和急救人员在紧急情况下联系你. Additional solutions include purchasing a small radio with a crank or solar power to stay informed with the latest news. Many retail outlets offer low cost battery supply packs that should be kept charged and can provide backup charging power to your cell phone and other small electronics. 移动设备也可以在车内用低成本的适配器充电. It is always advised to know where your local law enforcement and fire stations are located; they should have the latest information.
如果你在高火力威胁区域, 可能有社区资源中心可以为小型设备充电, 或者你可以考虑在家里准备一台发电机.
Yes. SDG&E has the authority to turn off the power in emergency situations when necessary to protect public safety. If you would like to read the resolution from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) that establishes requirements for power shutoffs, click here. 阅读加州公用事业委员会确认可持续发展目标的决定&E的法定权限,点击 here.
It’s important to remember that power lines from a well-maintained and well-designed power grid can still ignite a catastrophic wildfire. 在过去几年中,可持续发展目标&E has made major improvements to its electric grid when it comes to wildfire preparedness. But, 当存在危险的火灾条件时, it's hard to prevent a tarp or a palm frond from whipping through 80 mph wind gusts directly into power lines, 点火. 这些都说明了可持续发展目标所需要的条件&我们必须计划和准备保护我们客户的安全. 在有风的情况下没有电力通过输电线, 一个点火源被移除, 保护我们的社区免受另一场灾难性野火的影响.
Living in Southern California means living with the possibility of wildfires happening in your community. Make sure we have your most up-to-date contact information so we can keep you informed.
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